Brain Awareness Week 2023
“En resa genom hjärnan”
The Strategic Neuroscience Research Network (StratNeuro) at Karolinska Institutet celebrated the International Brain Awareness Week with an open symposium on Saturday 18 March 2023 at BioClinicum, campus Solna.
The Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, organized by the Dana Foundation.
13:30-13:50 How the placebo effect works Karin Jensen
13:50-14:10 Unhappy in paradise - the diagnosis in our time Christian Rück
14:10-14:30 Schizophrenia and the building blocks of the brain Jens Hjerling-Leffler
15:30-15:50 The science behind loss of control Nitya Jayaram-Lindström
15:50-16:15 How does our brain perceive the gaze of others Arvid Guterstam
Pain Talks at Karolinska Institutet, December 9, 2019
Pain Talks auditorium at Karolinska Institutet’s Biomedicum
Filip Gedin and Granit Kastrati
Karin Jensen, research group leader and founder of Pain Talks
Camilla Svensson, KI
Eva Kosek, KI
Kosek, Jensen, Svensson interviewed by Vetenskapsradion, Swedish Radio
Rikard Wicksell, KI, Capio St Göran
Ida Flink, Örebro University
Keynote speaker Katja Wiech, University of Oxford
Moderator Erik Hedman-Lagerlöf
Jensen, Wicksell, Hedman-Lagerlöf closing the sessions